Devlair 👾

Project ISO

1 min project gamedev

Isometric projection is one of my favorite game stylization, and Project ISO was my first attempt to challenge myself and create a custom isometeric “engine”. At the time I only worked with C#, so the obvious choice was to build the whole concept on top of the Monogame framework and it served me well. First project ISO prototype I didn’t really know what challenges awaited me, so I set up the project and started to build the structure.

Art showcase

1 min project art

Besides programming, I also model 3D objects (blender) and also creating pixel art with Aseprite. Dark Angels space marine Oldurs mask from Battlerite Atmospheric PSX game made in Unity with custom models custom PSX rendering shader made in Unity Hazmat enemy model for PSX game Check more on my Twitter :)

Frameworks & Engines

2 mins project gamedev

We live in such a wonderful age to be software developers. A few decades back, game development was a pretty challenging task even for intermediate programmers. Nowadays it is very easy to get directly into game development. Modern hardware is powerful, and in fact, a moderately powerful laptop is enough for development. Also, indie devs nowadays have access to a rich library of tools. Just choose the right one… yes?