Devlair 👾

Viewport letterboxing in Raylib

2 mins post gamedev

About week ago I started little 2D old school like project in latest .NET 7 just to test some new things I allways wanted to try. For graphic representation I’ve used small library called Raylib. For those who don’t know Raylib is high level OpenGL “wrapper” written in pure C and inspired by XNA - so it works more or less like Monogame or Love2D. I wanted to develop whole project in one native resolution which is small (in my case 480x320) for that desired old school look and feel.


2 mins post gamedev

Defold je svým způsobem jedinečný nástroj, který je určen pro tvorbu středně velkých a menších her. Již při prvním pohledu na oficiální stránky si potenciální uživatel lehce všimne, že Defold spíše cílí na mobilní zařízení a web, ale rozhodně to není nutnost protože podporuje výstup pro veškeré mainstreamové platformy a nedávno byla dokonce přidána podpora pro PS4 s potvrzením, že podpora pro PS5 bude následovat. Jako největší výhody oproti konkurenci bych zmínil tyto body:

Why I love fantasy game consoles (and you should too)

2 mins post gamedev

Fantasy game consoles are “virtual computers” that lets you create and play retro-style software on your PC. But how does it work? Well, it is very simple, users have to download binaries (or use a web version) of the desired console and launch them. The console then welcomes the users with a booting screen and with old school console-like interface which the user uses for “navigating” through all the tools.

New blog!

1 min post

Hi, and welcome to my new blog. I finally decided to migrate from WordPress to a custom solution on top of the beautiful HUGO framework. The theme is homemade, and I am kind of proud of it (frontend is not my cup of tea). I plan to add more functions and constantly improve them. I hope you will find the content of my blog interesting and at least readable :)